Causes for anterior pelvic tilting
- Anterior pelvic tilt is caused by excessive sitting or lack of physical activity.
- Weak abs, including the rectus abdominals, transverse abdominals, internal and external obliques, as well as the gluteus, specifically the gluteus maximus, medius, and minimus, often coincide with tight spinal erectors and tight hip flexor muscles.
- As the sartorius, iliopsoas, and rectus femoris, which make up the hip flexors, become short and tight, they pull the pelvis forward.
- The tightened hip flexors will remain tight and continue causing the anterior pelvic tilt until the issue is fixed.
Physiotherapy for anterior pelvic tilting:-
- Strengthening of abdominal muscles
- Stretching of iliopsosas
- Manual therapy :- manually release the tighten muscles
- Mobilization of SI joint and hip joints
- Dry needling to release the tighten muscles
- Kinesio taping – used to release the tight muscle which help to free up the joint
Apply modalities wireless with antustress mode for iliopsosas, Erecter, and qluteus muscle